The Digital Divide

10 Mar 2020

I feel that have free internet should be a right. The internet is open but the connection is not. All issues pertaining to this is called the Digital Divide. Is the best way to explain the root of most of these problems. The digital divide is the concept that shows the barrier between people who can use and know how to use computers and the internet and people cannot do either. This is a problem is that lower-income citizens cannot access the internet and learn a necessary need for this country’s economy and the job market. Who’s more likely to get hired, the person who knows how to use their resources or just knows how to do a basic job. This is why the word digital divide exists. We touch technology every day and so is the same for the internet. Throughout my childhood, my parents instilled the belief that I should immerse myself in as many extracurricular activities as possible. Some of the interests I have include technology, robotics, computer science, and especially cybersecurity. I also enjoy competing on the swim and cheerleading teams at school. After pursuing my interests throughout adolescence, I have decided to pursue a degree in business with a focus on CyberSecurity. I believe that this career path will enable me to give back to the community of Hawaii, as my great-great uncle was able to do as headmaster of the Waialua High School. As mentioned, one of my main interests is the ever-evolving field of technology. One phrase I like to use is called “The Digital Divide”. This concept entails that people in the world are not able to access, use, or understand the realm of the internet and technology. My understanding of the digital divide started to develop during my childhood years. Many students in my class had difficulty understanding how to use a computer and all of the benefits technology can offer in the field of education. This sparked a desire within me to close the knowledge gap between society and technology, as I had seen the benefits of technology firsthand. After contemplating the different avenues I could take to help my fellow classmates, I decided that there were actions I could take as a student to educate others on technology. Furthermore, with the help and enthusiasm of my professor, David Thompson, I brought the Computer Science Club back into existence at my school. In this pursuit, me and my club mates have fixed and donated over 100 computers to students who couldn’t afford it. This is my background of why I feel the freedom of information connection to be free to be important.